Die Landeshauptstadt München stellt alle Informationen zu Meldungen, die über diese Plattform eingehen und dargestellt werden, auch anonymisiert als Open Government Data zur Verfügung. Hierbei nutzen wir den internationalen IT-Schnittstellenstandard Open311 mit der Georeport v2 API. Über diese Schnittstelle können die Meldungen maschinell ausgewertet werden (Nutzungserlaubnis nach Creative Commons Zero (CC0 1.0 Universal). Die folgende Spezifikation stammt in großen Teilen von Open311.org, angepasst auf die lokale Gegebenheiten in München.
1. Services / Kategorien
2. Requests / Meldungen
3. Other parameters
OField Name |
Description |
Notes & Requirements |
Specify the service type by calling the unique ID of the service_code. |
This http://s to all service codes when not declared; can be declared multiple times, comma delimited |
Earliest datetime to include in search. When provided with end_date, allows one to search for requests which have a requested_datetime that matches a given range, but may not span more than 90 days. |
When not specified, the range defaults to most recent 90 days. Must use w3 format, eg 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z. |
Latest datetime to include in search. When provided with start_date, allows one to search for requests which have a requested_datetime that matches a given range, but may not span more than 90 days. |
When not specified, the range defaults to most recent 90 days. Must use w3 format, eg 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z. |
Allows one to search for requests which have a specific status. This defaults to all statuses; can be declared multiple times, comma delimited; |
Options: open , closed |
Allows to search for requests for a specific jurisdiction who share the same services catalogue |
e.g. bruehl.de |
4. Get Service Request